Strengthening strategic peacebuilding
By fostering the authentic leadership of a comprehensive constellation of key peace leaders across all sectors, the overall inclusivity, resiliency and sustainability of peace is strengthened.
The result to date has been the creation of groups of women who feel personally and professionally enriched and renewed.
Over the months, the groups develop great respect for one another, not only as friends but also as fellow female leaders in Asian peace processes. This translates to a relational peer network that will serve as a resource for many years to come.
Reflection & action
A focused reflection period tailored toward advanced peace practitioners therefore offers both the space to identify what changes are needed (in both their organisation and their conflict contexts), as well as tools to take action.
This strengthens the strategic approach of the women leading in a peace processes, organisation or mediation. Leaders are able to clearly articulate the strategic direction, rationale as well as identify the key driving dynamic of their conflict context.
From the inside out, leaders’ confidence and vision are renewed and thus peace leaders emerge who are able to engage and drive changes at all levels of peace processes – from political leaders, diplomats, journalists, conflicting parties, mediators, and other key actors.