Re-examining Ethnic Identity in Myanmar

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Re-examining Ethnic Identity in Myanmar

 Publisher: CPCS  Published: May 31, 2019  Country: Myanmar  Language: English More Details

“Re-examining Ethnic Identity in Myanmar” re-examines ethnicity from the perspective of diverse Myanmar stakeholders. Emerging from a closer examination of historical experiences and grievances, this report seeks to uncover the ways that ethnic identity has been used for a variety of political purposes. The objective of this analysis is to bring complex root causes of armed conflict in Myanmar to the surface in order to better consider and identify strategies that address long-standing tensions and violence. The report explores these issues with reference to three case studies: one focused on Kachin ethnic identity, one on Arakanese ethnic identity, and one on Karen ethnic identity. The case studies provide additional historical background aimed at grounding the views raised by meeting participants and community stakeholders. The report concludes by considering a range of recommendations aimed at multiple Myanmar stakeholders, including leaders from a variety of ethnic communities, the Myanmar government, and international actors.

