CPCS produces four different categories of publications.
1. Research & Analysis
CPCS publishes research and analysis that is grounded in specific local contexts and informed by the key actors, local partner organisations and communities involved in the conflict. By sharing information and our analysis of these contexts, we seek to determine the driving factors and dynamics influencing the conflict and facilitate deeper understanding of people and places that CPCS works.
We also publish more traditional research, together with regional partners in Asia, to challenge and test existing peacebuilding knowledge and theory in concrete and specific local contexts. By employing and promoting research, the long-term goal of CPCS is to contribute to the development and articulation of a distinctly Asian approach to peace theory and praxis that is practically relevant, contextually situated and theoretically sound.
2. Learning
CPCS’ learning papers seek to extract theory from practice and consolidate and share our key learnings from interventions in a range of contexts with different stakeholders. They seek to ask what have we learned from our work and how can we develop and improve current or new methodologies? Based on contemporary experiences in Asian peace processes, these publications seek to explore subjects such as conflict transformation, trust building, power dynamics and peace infrastructure in various phases of implementation in the Asian region.
3. Peace History
CPCS uses peace history methodology to collect and publish the personal stories and experiences of people involved in a specific conflict. While the stories are a collection of histories, the methodology also strives to facilitate a process of forward thinking and for drawing out relevant lessons from the past. These stories are then woven together around key themes that emerge – which could be specific events or critical reflections – into a book documenting the shared memories.
A peace history can provide a cathartic experience for those interviewed – a way for them to tell their story, and to begin thinking about their own future rather than focusing only on the past. The final product – a book – is then used as a tool to elevate these stories, and humanise the persons involved in a way that increases understanding and empathy, and disseminates the lessons learned in a relevant and effective manner.
4. Listening
CPCS’ listening methodology was adapted from the CDA Collaborative Learning Projects and comprises a qualitative, subjective-oriented approach that seeks to bring about analysis influenced by the direct experience of the subject rather than aiming to explain a phenomenon.
Research findings allow for the identification of key trends and can be used not only for strategic advocacy work and influencing policy, but also for raising awareness of the urgent needs of segments of societies that are normally not taken into account in post-conflict contexts.
By amplifying the perspectives, desires and challenges of stakeholders not generally heard in peace-related dialogues, CPCS’ listening publications seek to deepen understanding of the various actors views of the future and their potential contributions towards sustainable peace. To learn more about listening methodology, click here.